ESSV Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung

10 Results for given search request:

"Ian S. Howard" in Authors


The computational architecture of Elija: a model of a young child that learns to pronounce

Ian S. Howard, Piers Messum

Modelling caregiver tutored development of pronunciation in a young child

Ian S. Howard, Piers Messum


Towards a Mechanical Vocal Apparatus for Vowel Production

Ian S. Howard


Robotic actuation of a 2D mechanical vocal tract

Ian S. Howard


Using state feedback to control an articulatory synthesizer

Ian S. Howard, Peter Birkholz


Modelling vowel acquisition using the Birkholz synthesizer

Ian S. Howard, Peter Birkholz


Speech Fundamental Period Estimation using a Neural Network

Ian S. Howard


Glottal Closure Instant Detection using Echo State Networks

Peter Steiner, Ian S. Howard, Peter Birkholz

Machine Learning analysis of speech and EGG for the diagnosis of voice pathology

Ian S. Howard, Julian Mcglashan, Adrian J. Fourcin


Training a CNN to Estimate Voice Pathology from Connected Speech Using EGG to Automatically Label the Dataset for Voicing

Ian S. Howard, Julian Mcglashan, Adrian J. Fourcin